monster hunter
Monster Hunter Pukei Beta Cosplay Progress
It has been a wild month and a half over here at ALC. I spent the weeks after PAX working super hard on my Pukei Beta Monster Hunter cosplay for the photoshoot on April 21. I haven’t gotten any photos back yet, but hopefully soon! After taking a bit of a break, I got to … [Read more…]
PAX East 2018: Rathalos and Rathian Monster Hunter Kigurumis!

I made Rathalos and Rathian kigurumis for my husband and I to wear at PAX East this year! I love making custom kigus. They take a long time and can be very involved. But they’re fun to make and to wear! It took me a little more than three weeks to make both of these … [Read more…]
Rathalos Kigurumi Progress

Yes, I’m making Monster Hunter kigurumis for my husband and myself for PAX East. We both are really enjoying playing Monster Hunter World, so it seemed like a great fit! For my partner, I’m making Rathalos, and it’s almost done! Front with wings! It’s based on the more bright and cartoon-y designs from Monster Hunter … [Read more…]