I recently got into bookbinding. I’ve been wanting to try it for a while, and I finally decided to sit down and just try it. I originally made a simple coptic stitch book with just printer paper, cardstock covers, and perle embroidery thread. Then I decided I wanted to try case binding using glue and all that good stuff. The result was this galaxy sketch book!
I used Sea Lemon‘s tutorials on YouTube to make it. The only thing is I didn’t have a good enough craft knife for all the trimming, so the covers aren’t straight and the page edges aren’t even. But I’m so happy with it, and I’m trying to draw in it every day!
One of the reasons I did this is because I was burnt out on sewing. For a little while there I just had no desire to sew anything. It wasn’t making me happy. I had a lot of projects I wanted to do, but just no drive to do it. Instead of fighting that feeling, I allowed myself to take a break and try something new. It was really nice to work on something that was just a hobby. A couple weeks off from sewing was just what I needed, and I’m ready to get back to it! And I’m sure I’ll do another bookbinding project sometime in the future.
How to Make a Portable Dice Box and Rolling Tray – Alex Lynn Crafts
[…] Some kind of spreadable glue. Regular white glue should work fine here. I used my bookbinding PVA glue, since I had it on hand. DO NOT use hot glue; it will leave lumps in the surface and will […]