Yes, I’m making Monster Hunter kigurumis for my husband and myself for PAX East. We both are really enjoying playing Monster Hunter World, so it seemed like a great fit! For my partner, I’m making Rathalos, and it’s almost done!
It’s based on the more bright and cartoon-y designs from Monster Hunter Stories, the 3DS game that actually got me into the series.
Side view for the hood details!
Please excuse how messy my sewing room is… I’ve been working really hard!
Here’s a slightly older photo of the back and tail, modeled by the actual intended wearer…
There’s just one thing left to do. We both thought the eyes needed something. So Rathalos is getting some eyelids! Preview:
It’s so close to being totally done and I could not be more excited!
No time for me to relax, though, I need to work on my own kigu! What is it, you ask? Well, you can probably guess…
Hey! Your work really is amazing, I don’t know if you do custom stuff but, would you be willing to make something relating to anjanath or deviljho? If so what would be the general price range of something like that?
Hey! Thanks so much. Shoot me an email at alexlynncrafts at gmail dot com, and we can talk about it!